AutismOklahoma The Walk SpectrumMarket

Neurospicy 🌶️ | AutismOklahoma Walk

Oklahoma City

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We hope you’ll join Grey’s team - Neurospicy 🌶️  for the Oklahoma Piecewalk in support of Greyson McKenzie! Greyson was diagnosed with severe autism as well as being non verbal at a very young age. Now he is almost 6 and is no longer severe and communicating so much and improving in all aspects of life. This will be our 3rd year participating in the OKC Piecewalk. We’d love for you to join us at the walk and be surrounded by the most caring children and families we’ve ever met. Help us raise autism awareness, and continue to provide numerous opportunities for children with special needs in our community! We hope to see you there!

Badges Earned

Members 5
Raised 100

Money Raised

$ 100

Team Fundraising Goal: $100
Total Raised: $100

Members Recruited


Membership Goal: 10
Team Members: 8


Megan McKenzie Walk
Alec McKenzie Walk
Tamara Parker donor
Sierra Nantz Walk
Athena Wilmoth Walk
Ashton McKenzie Walk
Steven McKenzie Walk
Danielle McKenzie Walk


Tamara Parker $100
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