AutismOklahoma The Walk SpectrumMarket

Kingston’s Circus | AutismOklahoma Walk

Oklahoma City

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Come one, come all to Kingston’s Circus! Ringleader Kingston’s team is filled with all the people who love and support him! Kingston was diagnosed in May 2024 at age 3 with Level 3 Autism, ADHD, and depression. He has overcame lots of the obstacles that have been thrown his way. He is currently progressing in the biggest obstacle, talking. He has been saying a few words and has even been using them in the correct context! Kingston is the spunkiest, funniest, and smartest boy! We are all so blessed to be a part of his world!

Badges Earned

Members 10

Money Raised

$ 20

Team Fundraising Goal: $100
Total Raised: $20

Members Recruited


Membership Goal: 10
Team Members: 19


Kaytlynn Womack Walk
Drew Womack Walk
Shawnae Ralston Walk
Chris Dominick Walk
Callie Engel Walk
Ben Engel Walk
Maggie Phillips Walk
Kameron Ralston Walk
Ashley Webster Walk
Gavin Webster Walk
Ashton Webster Walk
Eli Allison Walk
Mitzi Houser donor
Lisa Purgason Walk
Brantly Purgason Walk
Cody Purgason Walk
Alyson Pierce Walk
Tevin Porter Walk
Elijah Porter Walk


Mitzi Houser $20
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