AutismOklahoma The Walk SpectrumMarket

Beau’s bright minds | AutismOklahoma Walk

Oklahoma City

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At the age of 18 months Beau could not walk, could not talk and had partial hearing loss. at 20 months he was diagnoses with Autism level 2 High sensory, High Functioning, Global Developmental delay. We have had many battles and fights trying to get the best care for him. He took his first steps at 28 months old. He started mumbling and speaking some singular words by 2.5 years of age. We noticed as he stands his ankles go inward and he struggles to keep balance. That is when we learned he has in-toeing of left lower extremity. We are also currently waiting for the Genetic Specialist to get back to us with the results to all his testing due to experiencing arthritic like symptoms. February 24 2023 we had almost lost Beau to what we thought was Kawasaki Disease. It all started with a fever and slight race on cheeks along with slight swelling at daycare. He immediately was seen in urgent care and many tests were done. Started with Impetigo, to bronchitis, to Kawasaki disease. That is when we took him to OU children's and voiced concern. They decided to start treating him for Kawasaki disease just for the treatment not to work. That is when they did deeper testing and found Group A Streptococcal (GAS) in his blood. Group A strep can commonly exist in your throat, nose, and skin, causing mild infections. However, if these bacteria enter your lungs, bloodstream or muscle tissue, they can cause serious infections and toxic shock syndrome.  Which if we would have waited 12 more hours he would have not made it. But by being an advocate he survived. He age 4 almost 5  with the brain of a 2 year old. He still has struggles but with OT, PT, Speech, and awareness along with treatments he is a young boy with a bright mind that has the strongest fight I have ever seen in a child. So please join us in this walk to help show support, love, and endless limits for those that where born not to fit in but to stand out!

Badges Earned

Money Raised

$ 0

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000
Total Raised: $0

Members Recruited


Membership Goal: 10
Team Members: 3


Mandisa Miller Walk
Savannah Sciorelli Walk
Ryan Nelson Walk


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