AutismOklahoma PieceWalk SpectrumMarket

Annie & Kairi | Piecewalk

Oklahoma City

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I am creating this team as the girls mom, to show that I support them and love them in this journey of life that can be very confusing for them. We love them! Kairi is 16, she struggles with social issues. She mask her symptoms of nervousness and scared. She is loving and outgoing but can be overwhelming to some. We love her ability to connect with most, though sometimes it is too much for her. Annie is 8, she loves wolves and her best friends. She is very intelligent but has issues with overwhelming anxieties. Especially separation anxiety when it comes to me as her mom. I loves my girls so much! Their sister, dad, myself, and extended family would do anything in the world to make it easier for them. We do our best and we hope that research is done further on girls to help understand the dynamics of the effects autism has on girls long term.

Badges Earned

Members 5

Money Raised

$ 0

Team Fundraising Goal: $100
Total Raised: $0

Members Recruited


Membership Goal: 10
Team Members: 5


Alicia Lorance piecewalk
Joe Lorance piecewalk
Breanna Lorance piecewalk
Annie Lorance piecewalk
Kairi Lorance piecewalk


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