The resource fair aims to provide event participants with information regarding statewide resources and supports available to them and their families.

AutismOklahoma Walk & 5k Event Committee must pre-approve the sale of any goods and services offered during the resource vendor fair, i.e. books, jewelry, face painting, music CD’s, etc. will provide 1 five-foot table, 1 table cloth, and 2 folding chairs. Additional tables and chairs can be provided for a nominal fee. We must receive the request for additional tables/chairs no later than 2 weeks prior to the event. Each vendor is required to register for their own table. Sharing tables between vendors is prohibited.

All vendors are responsible for staffing their own booth and providing signage and any written/informational materials they wish to distribute. Child-friendly hand outs such as candy, crayons, play-doh, pencils, etc… are encouraged but not required. Set up times will be provided for all vendors to access the venue on May 5th. We encourage you all to take advantage of this as the day of the event May 6th ALL vendors are required to be set up by no later than 7 am. There will be limited access on May 6th and the sidewalks will be busy so again we encourage all vendors to set up on May 5th.

Oklahoma Non-Profit & State Agencies are eligible for a reduced registration fee of $50. Please include a copy of your current 501(c)3 documentation in your application.

Oklahoma For-Profit Agencies are eligible for an early bird rate of $200 if registered and paid in full by February 1, 2017 . After February 1 the registration fee will be $250. Table location and priority placement will be given in the order we receive complete applications and payment. Resource Fair registration fees are non-refundable.

Registration for Tent Space: Tent size is restricted to a 10×10 tent, vendor supplies their own tent, AutismOklahoma Walk supplies 2 five-foot tables and 4 chairs. Registration fee will be $500. All tent registrations must be registered by April 15th.

Registration for a Vendor Truck: Vendor truck space is a fee of $750. Truck registration is limited availability. All truck vendors must be registered by April 15th.

Please contact Crystal Frost at with any questions.

Our event has typically drawn crowds on average of 8,000+ people providing maximum exposure for your agency/organization. We hope to see you on event day.